Sunday, October 10, 2021

Monday, Monday, So Good to Me

Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be...

And so sang The Mammas and The Pappas who perhaps anticipated that, on October 11, 2021, Joey Versaw would give collectors the ultimate Monday: Malibu Monday

Monday is made from luxury resin and boasts two hand painted (one open and one closed mouth) faceplates, windswept “Venus” hard capped sculpted wig, two piece swimsuit, day-glow magenta sleevelets, handkerchief cut tricot beach wrap skirt, turquoise blue high heel pumps, and a towel featuring the box art created by super star illustrator Brani Mladenov of Branimagination. 

It's Malibu Monday Monday! Get your Malibu Monday today!

It's Malibu Monday Monday! 


  1. Ernesto, I love your writing! Ms. Monday is gorgeous! Congrats to you for the write up and to Joey for creating such a lovely lady!

    1. Thank you so much! Very happy to read your comment and thankful for your visit.

  2. I So Love your photos of her, Ernesto.
    You have captured her beautifully.
