As the day begins its descent into dusk and candles begin to flicker, Agnes and Viktor Dreary escape to a corner of the garden...

My Witch Wish
"Dinner Doldrums" Agnes Dreary gets her witch wish with a fantastic hat by Peggy Feltrope.

Life de luxe in a smaller scale
JAMIEshow Doll Muses continues its inspired presentation of 1/6 scale BJDs coded as male. Made of beautiful matte resin, the dolls' heft and articulation, paired with exquisitely detailed face-ups and body blushing, create a truly luxurious doll. The idea of offering separate wig caps increases play and fantasy value as who has not wanted to change hairstyles and hair colors to make an outfit really shine?
This entry is dedicated to "Dangerous Love" Orlando, one of the handsome characters of 2021. In looks styled from a variety of sources, Orlando is a scene stealer.
ValeyofDolls' unique take on men's sartorial design is nothing short of jaw-dropping, in fact, it's magic: the colors, the materials, the accessories. No detail is left unexamined. And who better to model this miniaturized couture but the men of Menagerie's Marmite Sue by Eli Effenberger?
In ValeyofDolls' immaculately constructed fashions, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus Baby find their apotheosis of style becoming three essential elements of nature: air, water and fire.
ValeyofDolls on Etsy and Instagram