Where else but in Dolldom does a beautiful young woman get to match her every mood with a new look? Ellowyne Wilde's Grand Despair, Too is perhaps one of the grandest attempts at translating the young fashion plate's chronic case of ennui into iconic glamour. Mixed in this classic black on black design are hints of 1890's romanticism, an air of Adrian's mythical draping, a drop or two of 1980's fabulous fashion excesses, and more than a dash of Rachel, the legendary character played by Sean Young in Ridley Scott's cult film The Blade Runner.

A dramatic chiffon and lace top boasts tone-on-tone beading and glittery puff sleeves over a shirred detailed velvet skirt with a back satin ribbon bow.

Oscar de la Renta's sleeves echo the lines of Grand Despair Too's black puffs.

Alexis Carrington, played ever-so-wickedly by Joan Collins, indulges in black puff sleeves.
And so does this olive silk gown, circa 1890's.

MGM's Adrian knew how to drape on the glamour.
Kudos must also be given to the designer of Ellowyne's hairstyle.

It worked for Sean Young's Rachel back in 1982 and it was about time that it was revisited. Who better than Ellowyne to model it?

Inset blue eyes, applied lashes, hand-painted features and platinum rooted hair, styled to rock any science fiction flick.

Ellowyne has a beautiful pale skin tone and delicate vintage-inspired earrings.

Dr. Bantam called earlier to schedule a session
To help my ennui and my supposed depression;
But after all of this time, I thought that she knew
I'm not depressed at all - it's just a GRAND DESPAIR, TOO...
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