Friday, June 10, 2022


Vibrant, intense, saturated, alive. When selecting textiles for her designs, PJ Nox, creator behind the Hvala Dolls label, takes the four previous modifiers to heart. With overflowing creativity and an uncanny ability to gauge the emotional impact that clothing and color can have, Nox - like all visionaries do - produces styles of an immense power to inspire. 

Dolldom's Luula, a OOAK NuminaDoll Salix, styled, modeled in, and directed this production of daringly poetic imagery, that, not unlike religious iconography, moves us past the banality of mere fashion. 

Hvala Dolls

Hvala Dolls

1 comment:

  1. I adore the way you create the environment and lighting for your stunning photographs. It reminds me of my childhood dreams in a way I can't quite explain.
