This exclusive photo portfolio of his newest collection of OOAK dolls, dressed in fashions by Tania Lawrence, is paired with delectably playful imagery - by the ever-unique Dame Edith Sitwell.

Edith Sitwell by Pavel Tchelitchew, circa 1935
"By Candlelight"
by Edith Sitwell
Houses red as flower of bean,
Flickering leaves and shadows lean!

Pantalone, like a parrot,
Sat and grumbled in the garret—
Sat and growled and grumbled till
Moon upon the window-sill
Like a red geranium
Scented his bald cranium.

Said Brighella, meaning well:
“Pack your box and—go to Hell!
Heat will cure your rheumatism!” . . .

Silence crowned this optimism—
Not a sound and not a wail:
But the fire (lush leafy vales)
Watched the angry feathers fly.
Pantalone ’gan to cry-

Could not, would not, pack his box!
Shadows (curtseying hens and cocks)
Pecking in the attic gloom
Tried to smother his tail-plume . . .

Till a cockscomb candle-flame
Crowing loudly, died: Dawn came.

Dolls by Julian S. Kalinowski
Fashions by Tania Lawrence
Millinery by Tania Lawrence and Bestiaire
Purses by LizRetros
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